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Plan 9 from Outer Space PG rating

Notoriously dubbed one of the worst films ever made, this deranged 50s sci-fi remains a hilarious and extraordinary example of outsider cinema.

Horror 1958 78 mins

Director: Edward D. Wood Jr


Notoriously dubbed one of the worst films ever made, this deranged 50s sci-fi continues to fascinate, long after legions of terrible B movies have been forgotten, for its stark refusal to conform to cinematic language or convention, the unique brainchild of one of cinema’s true outsiders, Edward D. Wood Jr.

Composed of wildly disparate plot elements, absurd performances, pathetic special effects, a complete lack of continuity and endless posthumously recycled shots of its β€˜star’ Bela Lugosi (filmed for another movie), Plan 9 From Outer Space is a one-of-a-kind experience that acts a blissfully unaware self-satire of 50s sci-fi cinema and a tribute to Wood’s admirable devotion to filmmaking, despite his questionable talents.