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The Work of the LMS in the Ministry of Healing. Scenes in Neyyoor. No.16

The medical work of the London Missionary Society in various parts of India, Madagascar and elsewhere

Documentary 15 mins Silent


This is a valuable compendium account by the London Missionary Society of its medical work in Asia, Africa and Australasia. It includes particularly detailed coverage of hospitals and peripatetic medics in Imerimandroso, Madagascar and Jammalamadugu (Andhra Pradesh) and Neyyoor (Tamil Nadu) in southern India. The Neyyoor sequence includes Dr Howard Somervell, a former Everest mountaineer who gave up a promising London medical career in favour of service in India.

This is one of some 70 LMS films filmed in various parts of the world. They were effectively amateur productions but were screened to interested audiences for educational purposes. Interestingly, the editing of this reel, presumably shot by several hands, is ascribed to Joyce Reason, herself a Congregationalist who was well known as a children's author, biographer of missionaries and for writing up much of the LMS' work.