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The Trefoil School - Undaunted

Undaunted under canvas: Girl Guides help push the boundaries for disabled children

1949 17 mins Silent



"Undaunted" was the motto of the Trefoil school, and as this 1949 film shows, the Girl Guides who staffed it helped push the boundaries for disabled children. Despite the dated language, this was a pioneering school that promoted resilience and independence. It had high expectations of its disabled guests, as they mucked in with life under canvas.

Trefoil's origins lie in an initiative by a group of Girl Guides in St Abbs at the outbreak of World War II to help a group of 'special evacuees' from Edinburgh. These were, in the language of the times, 'physically handicapped' children for whom no provision had been made. The volunteers initially provided a home at Northfield House, St Abbs Head, Berwickshire, and care for about 20 children aged 6-16.
