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The Silence of the Sound

Signed instruction opens up a world of activities for deaf children at Drake's Island Adventure Centre in Plymouth Sound.

Current affairs 1983 5 mins Not rated


From the collection of:

Logo for South West Film and Television Archive


Deaf people from Exeter and Derby visit Drake's Island Adventure Centre in Plymouth Sound in Devon and take to the water and learn to sail and canoe. TV reporter Lawrie Quayle interviews Peter Wareham who signs his answers. Instructors sign the lesson to the class with translations available for the uninitiated in British Sign Language or BSL. Sign language is often more visually expressive than words with straight-talking characteristics.

Disability campaigners believe that almost half of those who are registered disabled have never taken part in a sporting activity. In 1993 the United Nations recognised the need for more inclusiveness and came up with guidelines for the equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006 being ratified by most UN states. It paved the way for more investment and opportunities for disabled people and with a new Accessibility Act promising to outlaw discrimination faced by the disabled in accessing goods and services full participation of disabled people in society is no longer just a pipe dream.
